Wednesday, September 19, 2007

And Spain stays busy...

In the Archdiocese of Oviedo, an Asturian pastor has been separated from his parish when it was discovered that he had a woman partner and son. However, the Vicar General, Fr. Juan Antonio Menéndez, was careful to explain to the press that paternity was not the determining factor in the decision. "Por tener un hijo no se aparta a un sacerdote del ministerio sacerdotal. No está bien, pero no es la causa. Sí lo es el mantener una relación estable con una mujer, ya que va contra la promesa del celibato." ("One does not separate a priest from his priestly ministry for having a child. It's not good, but it's not the reason. What is a reason is maintaining a stable relationship with a woman, which goes againt the promise of celibacy.")

So an unstable relationship would be preferable??? It's more acceptable for the child to be brought into an UNSTABLE family situation? Dios guarda!

Anyway, the father has been given time off to reflect on his choices.

Meanwhile, five Mallorcan priests have recently asked for dispensation in the last couple of years -- all but one in order to get married...And, according to sources quoted in the article, "if celibacy were optional, half of all laicizations would not occur."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a disgrace on the part of the Vicar General Fr. Juan Antonio Menendez. However, this is the attitude of (Mother?) Church. The pope wants to speak out on issues concerning the environment, war, and abortion, but the plight of the child who is father by a priest and possibly left to grow up without his father is a shame that is ignored, as is the suffering of the women in these situations. The truth is that the church rarely grants laicizations if a priest wants to marry, has a child, and especially is already married. This injustice is never addressed in the public arena. I think this needs more scrutiny by the public. The issue for Chruch and priest seems very much to be celibacy, and the if the Church wants to stand for compassion, justice,and truth it should exercise its solution, laicization.